Indoor wheelchair in the kitchen

The electric seat height adjustment on our indoor wheelchair puts you in the perfect position to cook in the kitchen and to make your own coffee. Your reach is much higher than in a regular wheelchair. Some people like to look into the frying pan. Others want to take crockery from the cupboard.

Seat height overview:
  • O type small: electric seat height adjustment 40 - 55 cm / 42 - 57 cm
  • O type medium: electric seat height adjustment 45 - 65 cm / 48 - 68 cm / 51 - 71 cm
  • O type high: electric seat height adjustment 54 - 82 cm

Smaller distance to the kitchen plate thanks to an electric brake

Regular wheelchairs have their brake levers in the front making it difficult to sit close to the kitchen countertop. Electrical brakes optimise your working space. No levers in the front or at the sides. Just pushing the button.

Smaller distance to the kitchen table with an Arthrodesis seat

By using an Arthrodese-seat your knees do not need to bend in 90 degrees angle. It is a pleasant solution for all people with Knee- or hip issues. Also in the kitchen this seat type is perfect. You just put the front end of the seat in a different angle and you can sit much closer to a table of in the kitchen.